
It was in June 2017, while watching TV from his couch in North Lakes (Queensland, Australia), when Alan Templeton saw a news report that would change his life. The story was about a group of elderly former professional footballers in England who still wanted to play the game they loved but no longer had the stamina nor the physical ability to “run” after a ball. So, instead, this group of senior players came up with a slower-paced version of small-field football, which was easy on their joints, required minimal effort, and still provided them with a great deal of enjoyment – they called it “walking” football.
Motivated by this story, Alan – himself a former S.A. Rothman’s and N.A.S.A. league player – decided walking football was something he very much wanted to try. However, despite his best efforts, Alan was unable to find anyone offering organised walking football in Southeast Queensland. Not to be deterred, Alan decided to take matters into his own hands and began thinking of ways to establish his own walking football group. To begin with, Alan needed to find a suitable venue in which to play walking football, a search that eventually led to an agreement for a regular once-a-week social walking football session at iPlaySports Centre (now known as Northside Indoor Sport & Fitness) in North Lakes. Next, Alan established a trading name: ‘Walking Football Brisbane’. Then, he set up a website and a Facebook page with which to reach out to other like-minded football enthusiasts. And, finally, after many months of planning, Alan’s efforts were realised when Walking Football Brisbane held its first ever session of social walking football from 3-5pm at iPlaySports in North Lakes on Sunday 07 January 2018.
It all started in 2017 with a TV news story and one man’s unrelenting determination.
However, organising regular weekly walking football sessions was not enough for Alan, he also wanted to host walking football tournaments. So, once more, Alan began looking for a suitable venue, a search which this time ended up at the QUT Kelvin Grove Stadium, a contemporary sporting complex with a state-of-the-art synthetic turf playing surface. Finally, after many months of planning and promotion, Walking Football Brisbane held its first QUT Walking Football Festival on Sunday 07 October 2018, an event contested by 5 teams made up of local members along with a few players from Gympie, Mackay, and Sydney. Since then, the popularity of Walking Football Brisbane Inc hosted tournaments has grown significantly and now attracts teams from throughout Australia.
Understandably, Alan’s walking football achievements did not go unnoticed amongst the wider footballing fraternity. It was no surprise, then, when in August 2019, Football Queensland appointed Alan as their first ever Walking Football Development Manager – a position he has excelled in ever since, most notably by the tremendous work he has done in managing the roll out of grassroots walking football programs across Queensland.

It was in June 2017, while watching TV from his couch in North Lakes (Queensland, Australia), when Alan Templeton saw a news report that would change his life. The story was about a group of elderly former professional footballers in England who still wanted to play the game they loved but no longer had the stamina nor the physical ability to “run” after a ball. So, instead, this group of senior players came up with a slower-paced version of small-field football, which was easy on their joints, required minimal effort, and still provided them with a great deal of enjoyment – they called it “walking” football.

08 DEC 2017 – Walking Football Brisbane (WFB) is registered as a business name.

07 JAN 2018 – WFB establishes a regular Sunday afternoon social walking football session at iPlaySports Centre (now known as Northside Indoor Sport & Fitness) in North Lakes, becoming the first ever regular walking football venue in Southeast Queensland.
18 APR 2018 – WFB obtains its first ever sponsorship deal with All Properties Group, followed soon thereafter by agreements with Esstee Media, Brisbane Roar FC, and Hutchinson Builders.
15 AUG 2018 – WFB establishes a regular Saturday afternoon social walking football session at Brisbane City Indoor Sports in Coorparoo.
10 OCT 2018 – WFB trials a six-week Wednesday morning social walking football “pilot” program at Brisbane City Indoor Sports in Newmarket.
04 OCT 2018 – Walking Football Brisbane (WFB Inc) becomes an incorporated association.
07 OCT 2018 – WFB Inc holds the first ever QUT Walking Football Festival, contested by 5 teams made up of WFB Inc members, along with some players from Gympie, Mackay, and Sydney.
14 NOV 2018 – WFB Inc establishes a regular Wednesday morning social walking football session at Brisbane City Indoor Sports in Newmarket.
18 NOV 2018 – WFB Inc establishes a regular Sunday afternoon social walking football session at Brisbane City Indoor Sports in Newmarket.

28 APR 2019 – WFB Inc holds second QUT Walking Football Festival, contested by 14 teams, including local, intrastate, and interstate players.
14 MAY 2019 – WFB Inc holds its first meeting to discuss how to develop its own referees – a gathering from which long-time member Stephen Thompson would go on to establish the WFB Inc Referees group.
05 AUG 2019 – Alan Templeton becomes Football Queensland’s first Walking Football Development Manager, responsible for the roll out of grassroots walking football programs throughout Queensland.
04 DEC 2019 – WFB Inc establishes a regular Wednesday night social and competitive walking football session (played on a lawn bowls green) at Club Oxley in Oxley.

25 JAN 2020 – Alan Templeton steps aside from all WFB Inc activities to concentrate all his efforts towards further developing the game of walking football through his role at Football Queensland.
03 FEB 2020 – WFB Inc transitions to a wholly member-owned, not-for-profit, sporting association and elects its first ever Management Committee.
14 FEB 2020 – WFB Inc attends the official opening ceremony of Brisbane City Council’s new Perry Park synthetic sports field in Bowen Hills, at which it holds walking football demonstration games.
06 JUN 2020 – WFB Inc holds a five-week trial of social walking football at the new Perry Park synthetic sports field in Bowen Hills.
13 AUG 2020 – WFB Inc establishes a regular Thursday night social walking football session at the Perry Park synthetic sports field in Bowen Hills.
29 NOV 2020 – WFB Inc plays its last session of social walking football at Brisbane City Indoor Sports in Newmarket, prior to the facility’s demolition to make way for an apartment building.
06 DEC 2020 – WFB Inc establishes a regular Sunday afternoon social walking football session at the YMCA in Bowen Hills.
13 DEC 2020 – WFB Inc members agree to make the joy of walking football available to everyone by removing the age restriction from its Constitution – a new beginning.

07 JAN 2021 – WFB Inc establishes a regular Sunday afternoon social walking football session at Brisbane Albion Indoor Sports in Albion.
28 MAY 2021 - WFB Inc enters the world of merchandising with the release of its own stubby cooler.
01 SEP 2021 - WFB Inc announces the selection of its first-ever representative teams, the WFB50s and the WFB60s.
18 SEP 2021 - WFB Inc supports the inaugural “Jamboree Cup’, a postcode playoff walking football tournament organised by Cr. Sarah Hutton as a fundraising event for Pushing Barriers.
10 DEC 2021 - WFB Inc supports Football Queensland and Helen Winter to establish a regular Friday night session of grassroots walking football at the Sandgate Bowls Club in Sandgate.

28 FEB 2022 - Club Oxley, the WFB Inc home ground, falls victim to the 2022 Brisbane floods.
07 MAR 2022 - WFB Inc becomes registered as a Football Queensland affiliated club, sanctioned by Football Australia.
30 APR - WFB Inc, in association with Club Oxley and Football Queensland, establishes an official 12-hour world record for the longest game of Walking Football, and raises over $2,000 for the Club Oxley Flood Relief Fund in the process.
14 JUL 2022 - WFB Inc is honoured to have seven of its members represent Australia at the IWFF Walking Football World Championships in Florence, Italy.
17 AUG 2022 - WFB Inc reboots its log-dormant Instagram account thanks to long -time member Seivland (Siev) Poh.
20 AUG 2022 - WFB Inc rep team, the WFB60s, travels interstate first time to participate in the inaugural Central Coast FC Over 50s Walking Football Tournament in Tuggerah, NSW.
03 SEP 2022 - WFB Inc provides two teams to play a showcase game of walking football during the half-time break of the Matildas -v- Canada international friendly at Suncorp Stadium in Brisbane.
21 OCT 2022 - WFB Inc holds its first-ever Friday session of social walking football at Brisbane City Indoor Sports at Coorparoo, albeit, only until the end of the year, after which the session will revert to Saturdays.
09 NOV 2022 – WFB Inc announces a partnership with Fair Play Publishing and with Soccer World for the sponsorship of its three representative teams: the WFB50s, the WFB60s, and the WFB Soccettes.
09 NOV 2022 – WFB Inc unveils its first-ever rep team uniforms at the inaugural Pan Pacific Masters Games Walking Football Tournament on the Gold Coast.
12 NOV 2022 – WFB Inc Rep team, the WFB50s, wins the Over 50s division of the inaugural Pan Pacific Masters Games Walking Football Tournament.
12 DEC 2022 – WFB Inc honours Alan Templeton for his achievements in walking football by presenting him with its first-ever Life Membership.